Preparation of an Election
Can we choose the start and end date of the election?
Yes, as soon as the election is opened, it is possible to choose the start and end date of the election. It is possible to modify these dates at any time until the counting of the votes.
Can we hide the results page from the voters?
Yes, temporarily. It is possible to postpone the display of the results for up to one week. This feature is available right after the count.
I see that a maintenance is ongoing on Belenios. Will I still have access to my election? How can I be notified?
The data is saved and the elections will resume
normally after the server has been restarted. Stoppages are usually
due to external power cuts and we inform you about these outages as soon as possible on the list
Can we set up an election where voters have a different number of
votes (for example, the president of a club may have a number
of votes that depend on the number of members)?
Yes, you just have to indicate the number of votes of each voter (his "weight") in the electoral list, in the form mail,login,weight or mail,,weight.
Can I delegate my vote to another voter? (proxy voting)
No, this functionality does not exist in Belenios. However, if
delegations are known in advance, then the election organizer
can assign several votes to the voters who have received the
delegations, and delete from the electoral list the voters who
have given their votes. A voter who received delegations
will however not be able to vote differently for each of his
votes, he can only make one choice (that will be propagated to
each of his votes).
Can we rank the candidates?
Yes, it is possible to rank or score the candidates. The
supported counting methods are
Condorcet, Single Transferable Vote (STV) and majority judgment.
Currently, this is still an experimental mode. You may
find more information
If I encounter difficulties, is there any way to get online help?
No, Belenios does not offer any hotline. We invite you to
look for an answer on this FAQ or on the
discussion list
where you can post your question (
Is there a limit on the number of voters?
Yes. The maximum number of voters for each election is listed on the
Belenios server home page. It was 2500 at the last update of this FAQ.
There is some nice feature missing!
We welcome feedback on features that would be appreciated by
users. The evolutions of Belenios are partially driven thanks to this
You can submit your feedback and requests for additional features by
posting an issue on our
github repository or
by posting a comment on the
discussion list
What if I want more help?
Unfortunately, the platform comes "as is" and we do not offer any hotline.
During the election
I created an election but I forgot a voter! Do I have a way to add it back, or even to modify erroneous email addresses?
Unfortunately, it is impossible to add a voter or to modify the email addresses once the election has started. This is a protection to avoid that the organizer modifies the electoral list. The only solution is to start the election again.
One of my voters did not receive the emails with the identifiers and voting codes. Is it possible to resend them?
In automatic mode, you have been invited to download the voting codes
during the preparation of the election. Then you just have to resend
the desired voting codes yourself. The server cannot send back the
voting codes itself because it deletes them once the election is
validated, for security reasons. As for the mail with password, by default, it is
sent to the voter when she confirms her vote. A new
password will be sent for each new vote.
I was able to vote twice, is this normal?
Yes! With Belenios, you can vote as many times as you want, until the
election is closed. Only the last ballot is kept and you can check its
presence in the public ballot box thanks to your tracking number.
The possibility to vote several times offers some security guarantees,
as explained
I've seen that I must accept cookies to vote, why?
We use cookies to store your language preference (if you chose a
different language than the default one) and for session management. The
purpose of the latter is to link the different requests of the voter
during the voting phase. Once you have voted, all identifying
information is discarded. In particular, we do not track voters or use
cookies for statistical or marketing purposes.
A decryption authority has lost its key, what should I do?
Unfortunately, no one can recover the key for him/her! This is the
basis of Belenios security: even the server administrators do not
have access to the decryption keys of the decryption authorities. To
prevent this kind of problem, we recommend two solutions: 1. make a
mock election with your decryption authorities. The same keys can be
used from one election to another by importing the keys. 2. Set up a
threshold of authorities (for example 2 out of 3). Setting up the
decryption keys takes a bit longer (more steps are needed) but the
election can still be tallied even when some authorities are missing (depending on the chosen threshold).
Is it mandatory to choose a decryption authority?
This is (much) better for security. Without a decryption authority, the server has the technical ability to know who voted what. With a decryption authority (or several), to decrypt the individual ballots of voters, you have to corrupt
that authority(ies) AND the server. As a voter you can check how many
authorities have been chosen by looking at the grey box at the bottom of the election home page.
Is it possible to check the result of the election "by hand", as one would do in a traditional election by counting the ballots for each candidate?
It depends on what you call "by hand". The result
is accompanied by a mathematical proof that shows that
the result matches the ballots in the
the ballot box. This proof is verifiable by all... with the help of
a software. The instructions for verifying the
election result are available
In the context of a standard election, one does not have
access to the individual votes because the ballots are
never decrypted one by one. We use a property of the
encryption system which allows to aggregate all the votes into one and
decrypt only the result. This
guarantees the secrecy of the votes, because ballots are not decrypted
individually. Cryptographic evidence ensures that the result corresponds to the content of the
encrypted ballots. In complex election contexts
(Condorcet method, majority judgment or STV), we actually decrypt the ballots
individually once they have been shuffled and re-randomized, but this
implies a more complex procedure for the authorities in order to
ensure that the link between ballots and voters is broken.
What's the point in letting voters vote several times?
The possibility to vote again is a (moderate) protection against
coercion: in case you feel obliged to vote together with your
colleagues, your family, etc. then you may not be able to vote "freely".
Thanks to the possibility to revote, that's not a real issue since
you may vote again later on, when there is no
It is sometimes also appreciated as a feature: you may explain to
someone how to vote (to your colleague or to your grand parents) and
then they may vote alone, once you'll have left the room.
Note however that it does not form a protection against stronger
coercers: you may be asked to provide your credentials and passwords
(and maybe earn some money in exchange for this material) and Belenios
does not protect against this kind of coercion.
Why do you allow authentication with Google and not other services? Why don't you propose the Education/Research identity federation as RENATER does?
We support OpenID Connect authentication and we have
added Google as a possible service. Concerning Renater, there are technical issues related to
but also the question of whether Renater wants to host an instance of Belenios.
Can Belenios be used for high stake elections?
In our opinion, none of the existing voting schemes achieve the same level of security guarantees than traditional on-site paper voting (as it is organized in France for example). Indeed, high stake elections would need schemes that simultaneously achieve vote secrecy, coercion-resistance, and verifiability, without having to place the trust in the organizing authorities nor the company running the election. Furthermore, a voting scheme should also protect against the corruption of the voters devices: even if a voter device is compromised (by a malware for example), it should still not be possible to change the vote chosen by the voter nor even to leak her vote.
Belenios fails to achieve coercion resistance: it is easy to sell the credentials and the login and passwords (unless a CAS server is used). A more sophisticated coercion attack (even when a CAS server is used) consists in requesting voters to provide the randomness used to encrypt their ballot. Our own implementation of the Belenios voting booth of course does not include this feature (that is, leaking the random numbers) but a coercer could easily adapt our tool and provides a special voting service to voters under coercion.
Another important limitation of Belenios is that it is not resistant against the corruption of the voter's device. If corrupted, your computer may leak for who you voted to a third party or could even vote for a different candidate.
Some systems overcome these limitations, but often at the cost of other compromises in security or usability.
So we do not have a definitive answer on when to use Belenios. Our main advice is to conduct a security analysis in the same way for Belenios and the other possible systems, in particular the one previously in use (if any).
Why not use an anonymous survey tool, such as Google form or LimeSurvey?
First of all, if you use a survey tool, the provider
(for example Google or LimeSurvey) has the
technical means to :
- change the result (manipulate each vote)
- know who voted what: sure, the vote is anonymous but the provider knows
with which IP address you connect, which browser, which
operating system. If in addition you have an account with
with this provider, it should not be very hard for them to know who you are. But the IP address is usually
already largely identifying.
Now, what about the election organizer?
- In most solutions, he sees the "anonymous" results coming in all
along the voting process, which
has two flaws:
- the organizer has access to the partial results which may influence
his own vote if he is a voter. He may also attempt to adapt his
"campaign" if he is campaigning for someone.
- worse, if you proudly declare to the organizer "it's okay,
I just voted, it works very well" then well, by observation of the
partial result before and after your vote... he knows your vote.
And similarly for the last voter who everyone knows had a hard time voting
and voted last.
- You're going to have to trust the organizer when he announces
the results. What if he announces a false result? Or you have to
create a dedicated account for the election, that everyone (or some
assessors) can consult, with the drawbacks mentioned above.
- The organizer has sent the links to voters. He can therefore vote
in the place of everyone (*). Convenient, right?
(*) This last point depends strongly on the solution
used and has to be tested. But there are inevitably two
logics that are difficult to resolve simultaneously: keep a poll anonymous and on the contrary,
authenticate the voters and make sure that only one vote is taken into account
for each voter.
In any case, if the organizer has sent the links, he will be able to
at least vote in place of those who abstain.
What about outside "attackers"?
If the poll is anonymous, it is often possible for a
voter to:
- discreetly vote a 2nd or 3rd time with the same link, hoping
that some people will abstain.
- vote multiple times (intentionally or by mistake), which will lead to
having too many votes and therefore the cancellation of the election.
Here we see again the difficulty of maintaining both
anonymity and authentication.
Please note: if you use Belenios in the simplest mode and therefore
without decryption authority, then our server also has the technical
ability to know who voted what. If your election
exceeds the sensitivity level of the evening pizza choice, we advise you to
appoint an external decryption authority
(or several) and test it thoroughly beforehand (otherwise you may not be able to
tally the election).
Installation of your own Belenios server
What are the recommendations in terms of OS, disk RAM, etc. when you want to install a local instance?
Our server is running in a virtual machine under the latest Debian stable, has 4 GB RAM, 16 GB disk space and 2 CPUs.
For a production deployment, we recommend the use of
a reverse-proxy (we use nginx) to do HTTPS.
You can find more details
Once the server is installed, what are the tests to be performed to check that everything is ok (security, etc...)?
You have to make sure that the service is operational in HTTPS (and not in HTTP). After that, there is nothing specific to Belenios and the server must be well maintained: system updates, firewall,
SSH authentication by key, etc.
What is the procedure for performing updates if needed?
The easiest way is to re-deploy to a new location on your system from scratch, keeping the spool directory (and logs if you are interested). The possible subtleties are
documented in
It is also possible to update Belenios in place (it's more convenient with a git clone), but we still recommend to run the script first, when it has changed, with BELENIOS_SYSROOT pointing to a new location.
I tried to set up Belenios but bootstrapping fails.